canoes on a lake between mountains

OneTrip Emergency Medical Plan

Even free-spirited travelers need the reassurance of insurance. OneTrip Emergency Medical is flexible and affordable travel insurance that includes only post-departure benefits. This means you get emergency medical and emergency transportation benefits, as well as benefits for travel delays, missed connections and lost/stolen or damaged baggage. Designed for travelers with few prepaid expenses, this low-cost plan does not include trip cancellation or trip interruption benefits.

All benefits are per insured traveler unless otherwise noted. If you’re renting a car for your trip, you can upgrade your plan to include the affordable OneTrip Rental Car Protector.


Benefits/Coverage may vary by state, and sublimits may apply. Please see your plan for full details.

Epidemic Coverage

Adds certain epidemic-related covered reasons for Travel Delay; Emergency Medical Care; and Emergency Transportation benefits. For example, if you are diagnosed with an epidemic disease such as COVID-19 and require emergency medical care, you may be reimbursed for costs up to your plan’s maximum limit for the Emergency Medical Care benefit.

Emergency Medical

Up to $50,000

Provides benefits for losses due to covered medical and dental emergencies that occur during your trip. There is a $750 maximum for all covered dental expenses.

Benefit is per insured traveler.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Up to $250,000

Provides benefits for medically necessary transportation to the nearest hospital or appropriate facility following a covered illness or injury during your trip.

Benefit is per insured traveler.

Baggage Loss/Damage

Up to $2,000

Covers loss, damage or theft of baggage and personal effects. 

Benefit is per insured traveler.

Baggage Delay

Up to $600

Reimburses the reasonable additional purchase of eligible essential items during your trip if your baggage is delayed or misdirected by a common carrier for 12 hours or more. Receipts for emergency purchases are required.

Benefit is per insured traveler.

Travel Delay

Up to $1,000

Reimburses up to $200 per day per person for additional travel and lost prepaid expenses if your trip is delayed for six or more hours for a covered reason. Can also reimburse eligible additional transportation expenses if you miss your cruise or tour because of a covered delay.

Benefit is per insured traveler.

Travel Accident Coverage

Up to $10,000

Pays benefits for losses when you, as a result of an accidental injury occurring during the covered trip, sustain a covered loss of life, sight, hands or feet.

Benefit is per insured traveler.

24-Hr Hotline Assistance


With Allianz Global Assistance, you'll never travel alone. Our multilingual assistance team is available 24 hours a day to help you handle all kinds of travel emergencies. We can help you find local medical and legal professionals, arrange to send a message home, help with missed connections and lost/stolen travel documents, and much more.



Provides personalized information about your destination and assists you with obtaining restaurant reservations, tee times and tickets to events.

Pre-Existing Medical Condition


Your plan may provide pre-existing medical conditions coverage if you, a traveling companion, or family member has a pre-existing medical condition. We define a pre-existing medical condition as an injury, illness, or medical condition that, within the 120 days prior to and including the purchase date of this policy: 1. Caused a person to seek medical examination, diagnosis, care, or treatment by a doctor; 2. Presented symptoms; or 3. Required a person to take medication prescribed by a doctor (unless the conditions or symptoms are controlled by that prescription, and the prescription has not changed). The illness, injury, or medical condition does not need to be formally diagnosed in order to be considered a pre-existing medical condition.

Coverage for a pre-existing medical condition is excluded unless:

  1. You purchased your plan within 14 days of making your first trip payment or first trip deposit;
  2. On the policy purchase date, you insured the full non-refundable cost of your trip with us. This includes trip arrangements that will become non-refundable or subject to cancellation penalties between the policy purchase date and the departure date. (If you incur additional non-refundable trip expenses after you purchase this policy, you must insure them with us within 14 days of their purchase. If you do not, those expenses will still be subject to the pre-existing medical condition exclusion.);
  3. You are a U.S. resident;
  4. You were medically able to travel on the day you purchased the plan.

All other contract terms and conditions apply.

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Apr 10, 2019